• Introducing A Few New Product Releases!

    Posted by MFG on June 17, 2021 at 6:21 pm

    We are always looking for ways to improve and optimize our platform so you can have all the tools you need to succeed. Please see below to learn about our new product enhancements, and check them out here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mfZaIpUtbVU&feature=youtu.be

    1. All three quantities have been added to Shop IQ: Manufacturers have been clamoring for this for some time now. We have finally added the other two quantities to the shop IQ data.

    2. Search My RFQ’s by certifications: The ability to search by certifications on the My RFQ’s page and add them to your saved searches have been added. This can be added to an existing or new saved search, or just filter the results you are on.

    3. ‘Unmark for Quoting’ button has been added: Manufacturers can now use the ‘Unmark for Quoting’ button after they’ve marked one for quoting previously.

    4. The banner is no longer required for a complete profile: We have removed the banner dependency on the dashboard.

    5. You can now add an attachment to a regular message to a buyer: This was overlooked when we launched, but manufacturers can now add an attachment to a regular message they send to a buyer.

    6. You can now add an Equipment PDF to your profile: This has been a frequent request from manufacturers. We’ve now given you the ability to add an Equipment PDF to your profile. This PDF can be downloaded by the buyer from the profile.

    7. New icons have been added to the Leadstream: We’ve changed the Leadstream page to have new icons to represent each lead interaction.

    8. The Buyer’s location has been added to the main profile header: We added the buyer location to the main header so it’s more visible for the manufacturer.

    9. A few conditions have been added to help keep the new directory clean of bad or incomplete profiles moving forward. Incomplete profiles that do not have a logo, description, or the capabilities selected will not be published to the directory.

    10. Button modification for adding files to the part drawer: We’ve enhanced the ‘Add More Part Files’ button to make it more clear for the buyer when they need to add more files to the part.

    • This discussion was modified 3 years ago by Profile photo of MFG MFG.
    • This discussion was modified 3 years ago by Profile photo of MFG MFG.
    • This discussion was modified 3 years ago by Profile photo of MFG MFG.

    MFG replied 3 years ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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