Find Custom Manufacturers and Suppliers – Supplier Discovery Platform – MFG Forums I need a Manufacturer Have some time for sidework in westGA consider mfg platform plz weigh in

  • Have some time for sidework in westGA consider mfg platform plz weigh in

    Posted by Michael on January 14, 2024 at 8:26 am

    Seems as though all buyers are not willing to pay enough for the work they want done. Not going to spam, but am interested in hearing what is to be said from any super small new companies. Seems to me half of the shops I ever worked for are now out of business, and machinery is going for pennies on the dollar a small fraction of what they were getting at auction. One would think there would be plenty of work out there. I am also thinking if I did use mfg I would need $ to hire a business manager in order for me to have time to work.

    Chad replied 5 months ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Profile photo of Michael Moran


    January 14, 2024 at 11:14 pm

    This site should be free like Facebook, it would be great!!

  • Profile photo of Michael Moran


    January 26, 2024 at 10:07 am

    My thoughts are the same, I’m a small shop in business since 2019. I’ve bought a few pieces from auction for nothing. I got a CNC mill for $275 and a CNC bit grinder for $175 and thought I’d find plenty of work with those additions. I was half right. There was a lot of work, but not anything consistently. Buyers absolutely don’t want to pay anywhere near what we think the value should be. I am considering using this site but like you if I did I would have to hire someone to filter through all the data and find the ones that we could do without losing what little we make.

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