Custom Tooling & Fabrication LLC 

1115 Des Moines Ave, Loveland, Colorado, 80537, United States


Since 1997, Custom Tooling & Fabrication (CT&F), an ITAR Registered and an ISO 9001:2015 Certified Machine Shop, has invested in both industry-leading CNC Machines and top-tier 5-Axis Machinists to service its loyal customers.

With the recent addition of a Doosan NHP 5000 Horizontal Mill, Doosan Puma 2600SYB II, and very soon a Doosan DVF6500 5-Axis Mill...CT&F is continuing that trend of investment toward positive future growth!

Contact us to see what we can do for you!

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Manufacturing Capabilities


Space Industry, Aerospace & Defense


Graphite, Aluminum, Carbon Steel, Tool Steel, Bronze, Thermoplastic, Magnesium, Nickel, Stainless Steel, Zinc, Inconel, Alloy Steel, Multiple, Other/Misc, Brass, Cobalt, Copper, Lead, Titanium, Tungsten Carbide, Beryllium Copper, Ceramic, ABS-Like, PC-Like, Nylon or Nylon-Like, Metal, Silicone, Other Metal, Polyurethane, Acrylic, Iron


Company Details

Company Type

Job Shop / Contract Manufacturer



MFG Member Since



United States


ISO 9001


D-U-N-S Number




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