A-1 Precision, Inc. 

8014 NE 19th Court, Vancouver, Washington, 98665, United States


For over 50 years, we have delivered outstanding service to a range of industries requiring precision machined parts and flawless execution. Our investment in cutting-edge CNC machining centers and CNC lathes ensures we can meet your project’s technical requirements and your expectations. With state-of-the-art computerized turning and machining centers, plus uncompromising ISO 9001-2015 Quality Control processes, A-1 Precision delivers customer satisfaction.

Our Work

Recent Jobs Quoted

Manufacturing Capabilities


Aluminum, Carbon Steel, Tool Steel, Bronze, Stainless Steel, Alloy Steel, Brass, Metal


Fanuc Robodrill T14iA

Hardinge Model DSM - 59 - Omni Turn CNC Lathe

Toyoda FA450III in Cell System

Citizen L32VII

CNC Lathes

Fanuc Robodrill D21LiB5

Hwacheon Hi-Tech 200B

Mazak Dual Turn 20

Toyoda FH450S in Cell System

CNC Machining

Company Details

Company Type

Job Shop / Contract Manufacturer

Cage Code




MFG Member Since



United States


ISO 9001

D-U-N-S Number




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