Beaver Machine 

5273 Hanson Court, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 55429, United States


Beaver Machine has been making precision machined parts and assemblies since 1965. Industries served include medical, photography and hydraulic control components. We have a super-clean well maintained facility.....check out our website to see the shop! We specialize in precision CNC Milling Turning operations...employing a variety of late model equipment and a seasoned professional staff. Our shop handles proto-type projects to production runs. We make tooling and fixtures too. In addition to machining we also assemble machined parts and package/ship sub-assemblies as required. Beaver Machine has developed a superior reputation for quality work. Parts made to print with attention to part cosmetics as well. Most important are the people who work here - we are all on the same page. Our staff of dedicated professionals genuinely care about the quality of your parts. Put the Beaver to work for you....and put your mind at ease. You can rest assured that you have made a wise choice for your precision part production. -Jay

Recent Jobs Quoted

Manufacturing Capabilities


CNC Milling & Turning

Haas HL4

Doosan 2100 SY - Puma - Lynx 220


Mitsubishi Vertical Machining Center (2)

DaeWoo DMV400 Machining Center

Swiss CNC

Tsugami 20mm Swiss

Doosan 2100 SY - Puma 240M - Lynx 220

Tsugami 20mm CNC Swiss Hybrid

Haas VF2SS CNC Mill

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MFG Member Since



United States


ISO Compliant



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5.00 (8)
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